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Adelaide Professor Wants Casinos to Turn Down the Volume on the Pokies

Adelaide University Associate Professor Paul Delfabbro has had enough of the "pump up the volume" approach of the casinos. That is to say there is demonstrable evidence that the volume of the pokies and the music played is an emotional stimulant to problem gamblers to foster the urge to gamble and provide the stimulant to continue playing long past what is healthy. Delfabbro believe sensible gambling reform legislation could include the following: lowering the volume of slot machines, lowering the pitch which is used to excite players further when they win, and introduce negative low-pitch sounds to discourage players when they lose.

In essence, the proposed reform legislation would take the advantage from casinos and use it as a deterrent to gambling. SA Senator Nick Xenophon, who is an avowed anti-pokies crusader, would like to introduce headsets to the pokies as another means of limiting their appeal to adults. Thus far, no application for a reform change has been submitted neither has any legislation been drafted. Associate Prof Delfabbro envisions legislation that would require casinos consider the impact of sound on patrons anytime that a new feature is proposed. He went on to further detail the impact that profound impact that sound has had on problem gamblers.

In support of the gambling industry, the Victorian government recently banned headsets on pokies after it was discovered that the machines were being marketed for their ability to suppress sound. For now, the gambling industry affirms they will consider any sensible reform that would prevent problem gambling.

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